Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

Scientific journal
of the North-East Regional Agricultural Scientific Centre

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Influence of weather conditions on growth and development of barley plants in Kirov region

Pages: 9-12.

Shchennikova I.

ГНУ НИИСХ Северо-Востока, г. Киров, Россия


The analysis of long-term dynamics of the basic meteorological indicators is presented in article; their conformity to requirements of growth and development of perspective varieties of barley is established. For last 13 years the tendency of increase of a temperature mode and decrease in amount of precipitation on the average on all months throughout the growth season was observed. In the conditions of the central agro-climatic zone of Kirov region a lack of moisture of a plant test during phases of "tillering" and "ear formation". In researches essential influence of the sum of effective temperatures, an index of the hydrothermal factor, some elements of yield structure on formation of productivity of the studied varieties of barley is established. The obtained data testifies to necessity of creation of varieties resistant against raised temperatures. Influence of the sum of effective temperatures on development of elements of yield structure is shown. New approaches in an estimation of an initial material for barley selection in changing agro-climatic conditions are defined.

Keywords: barley, varieties, meteo-conditions, growth season, correlation, productivity, sum of effective temperatures, hydrothermal coefficient