Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

Scientific journal
of the North-East Regional Agricultural Scientific Centre

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Preservation of a collection of hop (Humulus lupulus L.) and selection of sources for formation of a working genetic collection

Pages: 21-25.

Fadeev A., Nikonova Z., Osipova Yu.


In the Chuvash Agricultural Research Institute 247 domestic and foreign varieties of ordinary hop (Humulus lupulus L.) are preserved and studied with the aim of selecting of valuable initial material on economically important signs for the formation of the working genetic collection. Twenty six early ripening, 30 medium early ripening, 78 medium ripening, 44 medium late, 69 late-ripening, 97 frost resistant, 44 high-yielding, 73 aromatic, 44 bittering, and 27 samples combining economically valuable signs are identified as sources. One hundred and seventy sources of resistance to downy mildew with the level of destruction from 0 to 1 points are obtained; 150 samples of domestic and foreign origin – with resistance to root rots. Selected sources of economically important traits can be used as female plants in breeding work to create new varieties of hop of aromatic and bitter types.

Keywords: collection, sample, growth season, group of ripeness, technical maturity, the mass of raw cones, alpha acid content, downy mildew, root rot