Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

Scientific journal
of the North-East Regional Agricultural Scientific Centre

Phone (8332) 33-10-43
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Address: Kirov, Lenin's street, 166-a

Catch crops in field crop rotations of Kirov region

Pages: 33-37.

Kozlova L., Denisova А.


Results of investigations indicates that under condition of Kirov region it is possible to cultivate catch crops like radish, mustard, and rape in postharvest and afterharvest sowings. There are 49-65 days with positive temperatures and sum of heat about 700-800°after harvest of basic crop (grain mixes for hay and winter rye for grain). Till this period 100-150 mm of precipitations take place, hydrothermal coefficient is about 1.1-1.4 that is quite enough for growth and development of catch crops and for obtaining about 6.51-8.41 t/ha of dry matter in postharvest sowings, as well as 1.20-1.80 t/ha – in afterharvest sowings. As a sum in branch "grain mix + postharvest crop – spring cereals" it is possible to take 16.68 t/ha of dry matter at use of which for green manure a soil is supplemented with organic matter. At use of production for fodder additional 3.84-4.96 thousand feed units could be obtained. At sowing of crucifers crops after winter rye for grain its green mass is leaved for erosive resistance of agro-landscape or plough at late September. Positive balance of humus of 0.16-1.37 t/ha is characteristic for use of catch crops in field crop rotations.

Keywords: crop rotation branch, catch crops, rooted-stubble rests, productivity of branch, humus balance