Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

Scientific journal
of the North-East Regional Agricultural Scientific Centre

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Quality of multi-purpose compost and methods of its regulation

Pages: 28-32.

Kovalev N., Zinkovska T., Zinkovsky V., Sorokina V., Polozova V.


The article presents the results of research on improving of the fertilizing qualities of multi-purpose compost (KMN), produced by the VNIIMZ. The expert evaluation of ameliorating effects of biological agents on soil fertility is given. The highest assessment score belongs to multi-purpose compost developed by the institute (VNIIMZ), which is recommended for use in agriculture as the most active biomelioranta. In a series of experiments it was found that the use of mineral additives (1-2% by weight) has no inhibitory effect on the process of fermentation of raw materials.  The enrichment of the initial mixture of phosphate flour and a potassium salt improves phosphorus and potassium content on more than 1%. In the production of multi-purpose compost regulation quality of agrochemical composition can produce with change of the ratios of composted raw materials. Thus, with increasing of amount of  droppings in a mixture from 50 to 60%  nitrogen and potassium contents in the compost increase.

One of the distinguishing features of the multi-purpose compost from traditional organic fertilizers is a higher content of beneficial microorganisms. In case of compost topsoil increases the number of actinomycetes, cellulolytic microorganisms, ammonificators. The effectiveness of the use of compost due to its flowability and fractional homogeneity and provides uniform distribution of fertilizers in the recommended rates in the fields, and can be used for fertilizing of crops. The effect of multi-purpose compost on the yield of barley, agrochemical and microbiological parameters of sod-podzolic drained soil I s shown.

Keywords: multi-purpose compost (KMN), agrochemical parameters, organic fertilizers, micro-organisms, mobile phosphorus, exchangeable potassium, crop