Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

Scientific journal
of the North-East Regional Agricultural Scientific Centre

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Researches of constructive-technological parameters and operating modes of the device for grain input in forage's crusher

Pages: 64-68.

Sysuev V., Savinykh P., Kazakov V.


The analysis of existing level of technics and patent researches have allowed to develop the constructive-technological scheme of the device for grain input in a working zone of two-stage forage's crusher - feeding roller with direct blades. The basic requirements to efficiency of its work are defined: maintenance of the greatest throughput of process of reception of crushed forage at minimum power consumption. Theoretical researches of grain movement on blades of feeding roller for two-stage grain crusher are conducted. Mathematical expression which allows to define numerically by means of the computer program a site and speed of movement of grain on the roller blade at any moment t at set of constructive-technological parameters is received. By means of the given expression check of functioning of feeding roller with the following parameters defined earlier is spent: r0 = 0.12 m, rн=0.135 m, φout=  0.523 rad, ω = 20 rad/s, f = 0,35.It is revealed that roller works effectively as all grain subject to crushing arriving in it inter-blade channels from the bunker, at rotation of roller leaves it under the influence of various forces in bringing channel and through it in a working zone of the first stage of crushing of two-stage crusher at passage of inter-blade channels of the sector which are not exceeding formed cornerφout; grain most remote from external edge of the roller blade leaves for rotor periphery at φ = 0,474  φout. Results of researches allow to develop feeding device with the constructive-technological parameters, providing best course of technological process of two-stage crushing of fodder, dry or damp grain on a design stage.

Keywords: two-stage crushing, grain, roller, trajectory