Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

Scientific journal
of the North-East Regional Agricultural Scientific Centre

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The influence of celenoline, cedimin and eleovite on reproductive ability and level of endogenic intoxication at heifers

Pages: 46-51.

Shupletsova N., Konopeltsev I., Blednikh L.


In the article there is information about reproduction ability of heifers in different conditions. It is shown that at loose housing system cows gaining weight more intensively then at stable system that allows to inseminate them three month earlier. Also there are more impregnated animals on 10.2%. Fertilization index is 0.4 less and pathology of phetoplacental complex occurs 0.8 % less often. Monthly injection of celenolinein a dose of 5.0 ml, cedimin – 10 ml, and celenoline – 5.0 ml with eleovite - 5.0 ml during the period from 13 to 15 months of cultivation of repair cows helps to increase average daily gain of growing cows on 122-300 g at loose housing system. The article also reported about the level of endotoxemia in heifers at different stages of pregnancy. The maximum quantity of toxic substances in the blood of heifers is noted in the last trimester of pregnancy. To reduce the level of substances of low and medium molecular weight in plasma and erythrocytes of blood of heifers are encouraged to apply celenolin (5.0 ml), cedimin (10 ml), and eleovite (5.0 ml). The recommended vitamins and selenium containing drugs enable to optimize the reproductive function of the cows-heifers. This injection allowed to reduce the time of the first insemination after delivery for 18 days, period of carrying of fertilization - on 15-28 days and Fertilization Index - on 1.1-1.2, as well as to prevent discarding of cows-heifers from herds.

Keywords: heifers, reproductive system, endotoxicosis, celenolin, cedimin, eleovite