Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

Scientific journal
of the North-East Regional Agricultural Scientific Centre

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Ways of ensiling of festulolium and corns

Pages: 22-27.

Kosolapova V., Osipyan B.


The purpose of the studies: give the estimation of efficiency of ensiling of perennial cereal rubbed and corns with preparation, created on base of homolactic fermentation and heterolactic fermentation bacteria, and the level of influence of the given preparation on aerobic stability ready stern is defined.

Use of biological preparation on basis of homolactic fermentation  and heterolactic fermentation bacteria under ensiling of freshness masses of festulolium promotes the reduction of the volume of the stood out products of the fermentation by 1,5 -5,0 once and obtaining of  forage of 1 and 2 quality classes. The Preparations on basis of heterolactic fermentation bacteria such as Biotrof 600 and Biotrof 700 provide the aerobic stability of the silage. The losses of the nutrients, after opening of capacity with provender, were 5-fold less, but visible colonies of musty fungi appeared for 2 days later, than in silage with homolactic fermentation bacteria.

Under ensiling of garter festulolium most losses of the nutrients noted in silage, stored up without preservative. The content of the oleic acid equal to 2.09 % and pH 4.88 pointed to impracticability of silage to feed. In silage, prepared with Biotrof 600 and Biotrof 700 content of the acetic acid has formed 8.64 and 6.01 % in dry matter that promoted the aerobic stability of silage. The losses of dry material after opening of capacity have formed at the average 2 %, under ensiling with homolactic fermentation bacteria - 5%. The visible colonies of musty fungi in variant with Biotrof 600 and Biotrof 700 appeared for 2 days later.

Under ensiling of corns of milk-waxy ripeness best variant on product of the fermentation were a silages, stored up with homolactic fermentation bacteria. The volume of stood out gas of the fermentation in they formed 9.92-11.35 l/kg of dry matter, in variant with heterolactic fermentation bacteria – 15.03-14.47 l/kg of dry matter. However preparations on basis of heterolactic fermentation bacteria provide the best aerobic stability. The content of the acetic acid was high in silage stored up with Biotrof 600 and Biotrof 700, where the heterolactic fermentation bacteria dominated. Due to greater producing of the acetic acid heterolactic fermentation bacteria, as well as most full use of sucrose at periods of the fermentation the loss of the nutrients from aerobic damage were similar to chemical preservative and 5-fold less, than in rest variants.

Keywords: ensiling, festulolium, corns, aerobic stability, loss of the nutrients, heterolactic fermentation bacteria, homolactic fermentation bacteria