Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

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Zootechnical characteristics of Pechora meat-wool semi-fine-fleece wool sheep

doi: 10.30766/2072-9081.2014.42.5.58-63.

Pages: 58-63.

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Kaneva L., Zharikov Y., Matyukov V.


The Pechora semi-fine-fleece meat-wool sheep is bred in the 30-60th years of last century by crossing of a local northern coarse wool sheep with rams of the romni-marsh. In the present time live weight of dams is 55 kg on the average, length of wool – 17.0 cm, clipped – 3.8 kg. Average values of ewes surpass requirements of the standard of the first class in live weight on 14%, clip and length of a wool - for 42 and 52% accordingly, on the main measurements of an exterior - on 12-40%. By data for 2008-2009 the age of the first childbirth sheep ewes has made 2 years and 1 month. In modern herd lambs-one and twins don't reach of the average live weight of 26 kg to 4-month's age. Thus the average daily gain from the birth to four months has made 117 g, for the period from four to 12 months it decreased to 67 g per day. Dynamics of growth of lams from birth to the 4th monthly age has inclusive shown that the milk yield of a dam didn't provide normal development of lambs during the milk period. The age of 5-6 months when the average daily gain has decreased to 37 g, and in awkward five-month age to 20 g appeared to be the most difficult period of life of lambs. Approximate, calculated on a gain of live weight of lambs, the average milk yield of ewes, in two months of suction has made 41-45 kg, in four months - didn't exceed 70 kg. Unproductive withdrawal of young growth was observed mainly in the first month of life. On the sum on childbirth sheep ewes it made 18.2%. The low milk yield of a dam was the most probable reason of withdrawal of young growth because 53% of lambs given rise in the twin lambs the childbirth sheep were brought up artificially. Age dynamics of average live weight and additional weights young growth, and also fluctuations of these indicators on years have shown that low intensity of growth, a milk yield and fertility of Pechora semi-fine-fleece meat-wool sheep are caused not by their hereditary features, but unsatisfactory feeding and errors in the contents.

Keywords: pechora semi-fine-fleece meat-wool sheep, productivity, live weight, milk sources, population growth, wool, population-genetic