Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

Scientific journal
of the North-East Regional Agricultural Scientific Centre

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Features and conditions of the development of social infrastructure in rural areas

Pages: 68-73.

Nikonov A.G., Junior Researcher

Northwest research institute Economy and organization of agriculture The Russian academy of agricultural sciences (GNU SZNIESH), Sankt-Peterburg, Pushkin, Russia


The article discusses the concept, components and requirements for social infrastructure in rural areas as a factor increasing the level and quality of life of the population, as well as the competitiveness of production in the agrarian sector. Two blocks of social infrastructure, which is part of the social sphere are separated: social and socio-cultural, their functions and structural elements in the livelihoods of the rural population were shown. The modern features of the state and development of social infrastructure in rural areas: the dependence of the population density, the demographic composition of its population, level of development of social sphere in the pre-reform period, the size of the state budget support of areas, of innovation and investment capacity of local budgets and other were outlined. Based on the analysis of the activities implemented targeted programs of the federal and regional levels on the social development of rural areas the trends strengthening  infrastructure capacity of rural areas, its relationship with the increasing attractiveness for living and investment attractiveness of the agrarian economy were investigated. The state and the ways of solving the housing problem in rural areas, the task of providing modern infrastructure system are considered. The results of grouping the regions of the Russian Federation for the performance on the indicators of specific weight of its own funds on the 1 ruble from the Federal budget for social development of rural areas in the years 2003-2013 are presented. The conclusion on the effectiveness of public measures on development of rural areas and the need for their increase to create comfortable living conditions and growing the agricultural production was made. Significant increase the scale of state support of the village firstly to solve the problems of housing for rural population and its modern development as the basis for creating the competitive agricultural production and reproduction of social infrastructure is needed.

Keywords: rural areas, social infrastructure, the level and quality of population life, sustainable development