Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

Scientific journal
of the North-East Regional Agricultural Scientific Centre

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Ground of parameters of model of a high-yield variety of spring soft wheat for conditions of Non-Chernozem zone of Russia

Pages: 13-18.

Korjakovtseva L.А.PhD, head of laboratory, 
Volkova L.V.
PhD, researcher

North-East Agricultural Research Institute, Kirov, Russia


On the basis of perennial researches on ecological analysis of varieties and selection numbers of spring soft wheat the model of a high-yield variety for conditions of North-East of Non-Chernozem zone of Russia is built. The average level and scope of variability of 15 basic elements of productivity is determined. Average productivity was 3.91 t/ha, capacity for fruit-bearing shoots – 1.2 pieces, grain mass per ear – 0.95 g, grain content in the ear – 26.5 pieces, ear length – 7.0 cm, 1000 grain mass – 36.1 g. Maximum yield of grain wass not exceed 5.71 t/ha. Basis for usage of a modular system of traits for an assessment of the contributions of separate components in a grain yield with the help of correlation coefficients is given. It is established that selection on productivity is necessary to conduct at the expense of augmentation of grain mass per ear at increase in grain content in the ear, which one, in turn, is close linked with ear length and spike fertility. Data of regression analysis allowed to forecasts values of the main elements of yield structure at maximum productivity. Thus at grain yield of 4.5-5.5 t/ha grain mass per ear must be not less than 1.20 g, number of grains per ear – 30-35 pieces, ear length – 8.0-8.5 cm, 1000 grain mass – 40-42 g, plant height – 90-110 cm, capacity for fruit-bearing shoots – 1.4-1.5 stems. The obtained model is necessary for using at study of a initial material, selection of pairs for a hybridization and selection of the best breeding lines.

Keywords: spring soft wheat, main elements of yield structure, model of variety, resultant tag, component tag, correlation coefficient, structural module