Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

Scientific journal
of the North-East Regional Agricultural Scientific Centre

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Regional features of hunting tourism in Russia

Pages: 50-57.

Makaryushchenko V.V.research worker

Russian Research Institute Of Game Management And Fur Farming, Kirov, Russia


A brief classification of hunting tourism in Russia, internal and local as well as the characteristic of internal hunting tourism at local, regional and interregional levels are given; the change happened in the structure of the tourists-hunters, as well as the internal hunting tourism is now a major factor in the development of hunting tourism in Russia as the whole are indicated; the objects of hunting, living in our country are described. The definition of "hunting tourist destination" is introduced. Determinants of the regional features of hunting tourism are noticed. Some regional features of several Russian most important tourist destinations and hunting (Kamchatka Kray, Magadan region and Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Kurgan, Kirov, Irkutsk regions, Udmurtia, Rostov region, the Altai Republic, Buryatia, Altai, Krasnoyarsk, Khabarovsk Kray, Moscow, Tver, Vologda, Yaroslavl, Leningrad regions) are discussed. It is concluded that Russia as a union tourist and hunting destination from view of inbound hunting tourism specializes mainly in organizing of hunting tours for major trophy quality animals: ungulates, carnivores. It is emphasized that hunting property in Russia generally have the necessary organization for the rights of hunting tourism, but the influence of government on hunting tourism is essential and not always positive. Some of the problems of hunting tourism as a form of economic activity in Russia are discussed; the organization of hunts for Russian and foreign citizens are compared; the need to improve legislation for the development of the Russian hunting tourism at the federal and regional levels are indicated.

Keywords: hunting tourism, hunting, tourist-hunter, tourist and hunting destination, regional features, game management