Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

Scientific journal
of the North-East Regional Agricultural Scientific Centre

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The comparative estimation of technological quality of a pond retting and field retting flax stock

Pages: 12-16.

Pashina L.V., Pashin Е.L.


For the purpose of perfection of an estimation of new varieties of flax at their state test studyingof properties of a fiber from pond retting and field retting flax stock is spent out taking into account their distribution by length of stalks. Data on various characters of settling of separate varieties by microorganisms, on differentiation of their by duration of curing at three levels of height of a stalk testify to individual character of course of process of dew retting at various varieties in the same region. With use of the factorial analysis for pond and field retting fibers there are established distinctions by quantity of the generalized factors describing set of signs of quality, and their share of influence. Within each factor distinctions under the contribution of studied signs to their formation are revealed. The established features of interaction of separate signs can cause distinctions of technological quality of a flax fiber of studied ways of preparation, and the technological estimation of new varieties of fiber flax under constant conditions of water retting at state varietal testing can not correspond to actual estimation, received by field retting stock in manufacture.

Keywords: flax, linen stock, a fiber, flexibility, explosive effort, linear density