Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

Scientific journal
of the North-East Regional Agricultural Scientific Centre

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The milk quality as the main price-forming factor in the milk subcomplex of the Agricultural-industrial complex

Pages: 61-66.

Baibakova T.V., Soboleva O.A.


In the article the authors review the main tendencies in developing the milk market and the market of milk products. This research is aimed at finding out the main factors, influencing formation of the price for milk, arriving for processing. The attention is paid to the questions of the raw-milk quality and safety according to requirements of the Federal Law “The Technical Regulation for Milk and Milk Products” and own requirements of enterprises, producing milk products, taking into account the peculiarities of produced assortment of goods. In this article the authors describe the principles of formation of the settlement price for supplied raw-milk at the home market of Russia and other countries; the analysis of the average prices for 1 kg of milk in different regions of the Russian Federation is given. The main criteria determining the level of price for raw-milk are established.

Keywords: milk, quality of milk, processing, factors of forming prices for milk