Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

Scientific journal
of the North-East Regional Agricultural Scientific Centre

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Regulation of hunting on the technological level

Pages: 54-58.

Kozlov V.M.


It is necessary to modify methods of hunting regulation to resolve the main problems of modern hunt. Resent research demonstrates correlation between increasing of number of trapped and animals killed by gun and increasing of total number of species. Total number of hunted animals will increase or vise verse decrease, depending of population trend (increasing or decreasing) of harvesting population. We developed methods of calculation of optimal hunting efforts within the estimated hunting standards. Our methods allow to deny hunting regulation using different types of permits, limitations of number of harvesting animals, and regulate system of hunting regulation using only optimal hunting efforts, specific of hunting grounds and terms of hunt. Finally we create the mechanism of implementation of optimal hunting in the particular hunting grounds using only number of harvested animals. This approach eliminates the main reasons of poaching.

Keywords: hunting regulation, carrying capacity, hunting areas, game management