Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

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of the North-East Regional Agricultural Scientific Centre

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Agrochemical properties of sod-podzolic soil and productivity of field crops at entering of increasing doses of complete mineral fertilizer

Pages: 35-41.

Zavyalova N.E., DSc in biology, head of laboratory
Perm Research Institute of Agriculture, s. Lobanovo, Perm, Russia
Storozheva A.N., undergraduate
Perm State Agricultural Academy, Perm, Russia


Study was carried out on influence of increasing doses (0, 30, 60, 90, 120, and 150 kg/ha of acting matter) of complete mineral fertilizer on the main indicators of fertility of sod-podzolic soil and the yield of field crops in the long-time experimental field of Perm Agricultural Research Institute in 8-field crop rotation with two fields of clover in 2012-2014. A negative correlation is established between doses of NPK and pHKCl value (r = -0.94). Introducing of high doses N120-150P120-150K120-150 leads to acidification of topsoil from pH 5.6 at begining of experimetn in 1978 to pH 4.9…4.8, but promotes preservation of humus 2.04…2.06% at baseline (2.12%). The total content of mobile phosphorus at introducing of studied doses in the layer 0…20 cm increased to 300…452 mg/kg in comparison with the initial content (175 mg/kg); in the layer of 20…40 cm to 228…358 mg/kg. The maximum yield of wheat (2.5 t/ha) was obtained at entering of complete fertilizer dose 60 kg/ha; of potatoes – 21.8 t/ha at a dose 90 kg/ha; red clover – 2.2…2.3 t/ha at a dose 120-150 kg/ha for a previous crop. The introduction of higher doses of NPK did not enhance the yield of wheat and potatoes, but has led to the deterioration of product quality. In variants N120-150P120-150K120-150 dry matter content in potato tubers decreased by 1.3…2.5 % (LSD05 = 0.6) and starch to 0.65% (LSD05 = 0.55) in comparison with optimal variant N90P90K90; accumulation of nitrate nitrogen was observed above the maximum allowable concentration – up to 280…337 mg/kg. Increased in gluten content in wheat grain was observed at the improvement of nitrogen nutrition from 33.08% for the variant without fertilizers to 42.33% at application of NPK in a dose 60 kg/ha; higher dose of fertilizer resulted in a decrease in the content on 4.85…6.08%. The highest nitrogen content (3.23%) identified in the green mass of clover in variant N150P150K150.

Keywords: sod-podzolic soil, mineral fertilizers, agrochemical properties, yield of field crops


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