Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

Scientific journal
of the North-East Regional Agricultural Scientific Centre

Phone (8332) 33-10-43
(8332) 33-07-21
Fax: (8332) 33-10-25
Address: Kirov, Lenin's street, 166-a

№ 1 (44) - 2015

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Plant Growing

Amunova O.S., Lisitsyn E.M..
Varietal variability of parameters of non-specific resistance of spring common wheat plants to abiotic stress (pp. 4-8)

Sofronov A.P., Plenkina G.A., Firsova S.V..
Drought resistance of European hazel under conditions of Kirov region (pp. 9-13)
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Nikolaev A.V., Sezonova N.P., Lyubimskaya I.G., Kuznezov S.S., Kolyadko I.I..
Ecological testing of the Belarusian potato varieties under conditions of Kostroma region (pp. 14-17)


Lapteva N.K., Gireva V.M..
Productivity and baking properties of winter triticale under conditions of Kirov region in depending on varietal features (pp. 18-22)

Fodder Production

Kulakov V.A., Sedova E.G..
Quality of forage of the grass pastures and agrochemical properties of soil depending on the fertilizers system (pp. 23-28)

Voloshin V.A..
Comparative evaluation of forage crops in the collection nursery (pp. 29-34)

Agriculture, Agrochemistry, Amelioration

Pegova N.A., Kholzakov V.M..
Resource-saving tillage system of sod-podzolic soils (pp. 35-40)

Platonycheva Yu.N., Polyakova N.V., Volodina E.N..
Change in productivity of spring wheat and content of nutritional elements of dark grey forest soil at using of different forms of fertilizers (pp. 41-46)

Zubkova O.A..
Modification of acid-soluble manganese content in the podzolic soils (pp. 46-52)

Ivenin V.V., Ivenin A.V., Bogomolov V.N..
Influence of systems of processing of light grey wood soil on productivity of potato in the conditions of Nizhniy Novgorod region (pp. 53-59)


Minkov S.I., Chashchukhin V.A., Tetera V.A., Tselishcheva M.B..
Features of formation of hunting farms' infrastructure (pp. 66-72)

Veterinary Medicine

Smirnov Y.P., Suvorova I.L., Gryazeva N.A..
Dynamics of bovine leucosis infection in the Kirov region and effectiveness of anti-leucosis measures (pp. 60-65)


Burkov A.I., Glushkov A.L., Lazykin V.A..
Research of vertical pneumatic separating channel with supporting mesh (pp. 73-79)
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