Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

Scientific journal
of the North-East Regional Agricultural Scientific Centre

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Ecological testing of the Belarusian potato varieties under conditions of Kostroma region

Pages: 14-17.

Nikolaev A.V., PhD, assistant professor, leading researcher,
Sezonova N.P., head of potato department,
Lubimskaya I.G., researcher,
Kuznezov S.S.,
Kolyadko I.I., PhD, deputy director

Kostroma Agricultural Research Institute, Kostroma, Russia, Research and practical center of National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for potato, fruit and vegetable growing, Minsk, Belarus


VarietyZorachka significantly exceeded the yield of standard variety Udacha by 2.7 t/ha or 8.1% in the early-maturing group under conditions of Kostroma region in 2011 and 2012. Variety Briz exceeded the yield of standard variety Nevsky by 3.8 t/ha or 11% in the late group on average for the three years. Variety Ragneda was selected in the intermediate group which productivity was 41.2 t/ha which is 7.9 t/ha or 23.7% above the yield of the standard variety Skarb on average for the years of research. Varieties Lad and Chaika showed a significant excess in this parameter over the standard in 2011. The highest starch content was recorded in varietiesLileya belarusskaya, Yanka, Lad, Ragneda, Zhuravinka and Vectar belarussky. Taste The most high degustation evaluation has variety Uladar in the early group, variety Lileya belarusskaya and Briz – in medium early, and variety Ragneda – in mid maturing group. Assessment of the culinary type showed that salad type (mostly not boiled soft varieties) has varieties Gloria, Udacha and Chaika. Varieties Yanka and Zhuravinka had much boiled soft tubers; the rest of the studied varieties - average boiled soft tubers. By results of ecological testing of new and promising varieties of potato bred in Republican Unitary Enterprise «Research and practical center of National Academy of sciences of Belarus for potato, fruit and vegetable growing»under conditions of Kostroma region in 2011-2013 by a set of parameters (productivity and quality of tubers) varieties Briz and Ragneda are stood out. Belarusian varieties Zorachka, Lileya belarusskaya, Chaika, Yanka, Vectar belarussky, and Russian variety Chaika must to be worthy of agricultural producers.

Keywords: potatoes, variety, ecological test, productivity, quality of tubers


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