Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

Scientific journal
of the North-East Regional Agricultural Scientific Centre

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Modification of acid-soluble manganese content in the podzolic soils

Pages: 46-52.

Zubkova O.A., PhD, researcher

North-East Agricultural Research Institute, Kirov, Russia


Element content of soils is a very important indicator of their chemical condition, characteristics and genesis. Manganese is one of the essential components of the soils. Content and behavior of studied element is depended on type and characteristics of soil: acidity, redox potential, content of organic matter. The aim of the work is study of dynamics of acid-soluble manganese in the podzolic soil under forest and it anthropogenically modified equivalent – sod-podzolic soil under arable land during growth season. Research conducted in the Kirov region.  Soil samples were selected using a soil corer from the three upper horizons. Sampling conducted in 2009 and 2010 during the period from May to July every week and from July to September every 2-3 weeks depending on the weather conditions. The following parameters were determined in the samples: field soil moisture; pH of salt extract; content of total organic matter according to Turin's method; content of labile organic matter – in 0.1 M pyrophosphate extract; acid soluble manganese – in 1 M nitric acid. Manganese is a biofil element. The largest number of acid soluble form of element in the podzolic soil under forest is contained in the litter: 220-1428 mg/kg; in the sod-podzolic soil under arable land – in the arable horizon: 233-486 mg/kg. In general significant seasonal dynamics of content of the acid soluble manganese in the podzolic soil under forest were discovered in the litter and eluvial horizons only; in the sod-podzolic soil under arable land – in all studied horizons. The study found that in the observed period the overall trend of seasonal dynamics of acid soluble manganese in the podzolic soil under forest and sod-podzolic soil under arable land is increase of its contents in summer. In soil under forest litter a direct correlation between acid-soluble compounds of Mn and рНКCl was found:  r = 0.86; in soil under arable land - direct link of their content with the amount Сtotal in the eluvial horizon: r = 0.88.

Keywords: soil, manganese, seasonal dynamics


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