Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

Scientific journal
of the North-East Regional Agricultural Scientific Centre

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Productivity and baking properties of winter triticale under conditions of Kirov region in depending on varietal features

Pages: 18-22.

Lapteva N.K., PhD, senior researcher, head of laboratory,
Gireva V.M.*, head of institution

North-East Agricultural Research Institute, Kirov, Russia, *Federal Institution “Gossortcomissia”, Kirov regional branch

E-mail: niish-sv@ mail. ru;

Winter triticale can overcome both its parents (wheat and rye) on such important parameters as productivity and nutritional value of grain in most agricultural regions of world. Thus quality of triticale is caused with varietal features in significant degree. Each exact zone of cultivation must have varieties combining high productivity and technological properties of grain in optimum. Estimation of winter triticale varieties (Zimogor, Almaz, Topaz, and Kapral) grown at Sovietsky state varietal site at south soil-climatic zone of Kirov region by productivity and baking properties was carried out in 2012-2013. Estimation of productivity was done by routine methods on varietal testing of agricultural crops.  Baking properties were estimated by state of protein and carbohydrate-amylase complex and parameters of quality of laboratory samples of breads making with flour of 65 and 95% outputs. It is established that variety Zimogor, Topaz, and Kapral had similar levels of grain yield per hectare (4.34, 4.22, and 4.36 t/ha accordingly) Almaz had highest grain yield at 2012-2013 (5/01 t/ha). All studied varieties of triticale were classified as I group (good quality of gluten) on parameters of gluten quality. As a whole flour from grain of studied varieties is characterized with lowered baking properties: gluten content is lowered – less than 19%; high of amylograme – less than 90 units; falling number – 68 second and less; all that testify high activity of amylolytic enzymes. Variety Topaz was the best on organoleptic and physical-chemical parameters of quality of laboratory samples of bread from flour of 65% and 95% output in both years of investigation: bread from grain of this variety had high porosity (63 and 53% accordingly) and highest specific volume (1.80 and 1.43 cm3/g). The second one is standard Zimogor.

Keywords: winter triticale, varieties, productivity, flour, baking properties


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