Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

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Research of vertical pneumatic separating channel with supporting mesh

doi: 10.30766/2072-9081.2015.44.1.73-79.

Pages: 73-79.

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Burkov A.I., DSc, professor, head of laboratory,
Glushkov A.L., PhD, senior researcher,
Lazukin V.A., scientific assistant

North-East Agricultural Research Institute, Kirov, Russia


To increase separation efficiency vertical pneumo-separating channels of high depth (0.3 m and more) in separation zone are equipped with devices for even distribution of cleanable material and air velocity fields designed as division walls and divider-barriers. However in the upper part of a channel there is high irregularity of air velocity fields because of pipe-bend which leads to increasing of loss of full-value seeds in waste or insufficient cleaning efficiency. To eliminate this disadvantage it is suggested to supply pneumo-separating channel and its pipe-bend with complete division wall. Height of pneumo-separating channel also influences on distribution of air velocity fields therein and hence on the quality of separation. The purpose of the research is to estimate the influence of complete division wall and channel's height on separating quality. Experimental pneumo-separating channel with setting vessel and dust collector was made for the research. Channel has a width B = 0.32 m, height Hпск= 1.0 m, and depth h = hотв = 0.3 m. Division wall is build with a gap S = 0.1 m relative to the supporting mesh and at a distance h1from the outer channel wall. Processed material is composed of primary crop's (spring wheat) seeds – 95%, grain impurities (puny grain of winter rye) – 3%, and light impurities (wood sawdust) - 2%. Removal rate of spring wheat is 8.6-11.5 m/s, of winter rye – 5.7-9.8 m/s, of wood sawdust – 0.8-5.0 m/s. Experimental studies have shown that complete division wall installed into vertical pneumo-separating channel with supporting mesh and its pipe-bend having depth h = hотв = 0.3 m improves the quality parameters of the pneumo-separation process. The optimum position of division wall has next parameters: depth of the first part of a channel h1 = 0.21 m, depth of its pipe-bend hотв1 = 0.22 m, gap between the lower edge of division wall and supporting mesh S = 0.1 m. The change of height Hпск of vertical pneumo-separating channel having depth h = 0.3 m, supporting mesh and complete division wall installed in optimum position in the range from 0.4 to 1.0 m has no significant impact on the quality of pneumo-separation process. Purity Ч of first grade seeds corresponds to the category of not less than elite seeds. Their output C is 78.7-79.8%, loss of seeds in waste – 1.8-2.6%.

Keywords: vertical pneumatic separating channel, supporting mesh, solid partition wall


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