Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

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Breeding and original seed growing of naked oats

doi: 10.30766/2072-9081.2015.45.2.04-09.

Pages: 4-9.

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1, 2Batalova G.A., professor, corresponding member of RAS, deputy director, Head of section of breeding, seed growing and biotechnology,
1Vedernikov Yu.E., PhD, head of department

1North-East Agricultural Research Institute, Kirov, Russia, 2North-East Regional Agrarian Scientific Center, Kirov, Russia


Oats is important cereal crop in Russia. Naked oats is cultivated along with wide-spread covered oats. Ways of organization of original seed growing in primary links are designed taking into account of breeding methodology for effective introducing of a crop into agricultural industry. Studies were conducted in Kirov region in 2006-2014. Selection of elite plants was conducted by sampling of the best panicles of main stem in amount of 1500-2000 pieces annually into test nursery of second year progeny. Sowing of first year test nursery was done with cassette seeder in one- or two-row plots. Observations and selections is need from full emergency stage when species admix may be deleted – first leaves of oats are left-turned, of other cereals – right-turned. Basic rejection in full heading stage consists in deleting of non-typic, low developed plants, plants having diseases traits and tends to lodging with hands or sickle. Further plants with diseases manifistation, low-grain panicles and deviations in terms of maturing are rejected too. Harvesting is done with total thrashing by breeding combine with 5-10 families in one packet. Each packet is controlled individually in laboratory; covered and intermediate grains are deleted.  Joint grain sets are sown in second year test nursery with portion seeder with lowered seed rate; plot length is determined with field area. Observations and selection during growth season and in laboratory is done with the same pattern except the fact that single plant is object of rejection. The rest plants are harvested with total thrashing into flax sacks with up to 20 kg of seeds.

Keywords: naked oats, variety, breeding, original seed growing, seeds, progeny test nursery


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