Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

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of the North-East Regional Agricultural Scientific Centre

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Determination of heterosis for F1 reciprocal hybrids of soya-beans

Pages: 10-14.

Fadeev A.A., PhD, director,
Fadeeva M.F., PhD, leading researcher,
Vorob'eva L.V., senior researcher

Chuvash Agricultural Research Institute, v. Оpitny, Chuvash Republic, Russia


The estimation is given to reciprocal hybrids of soya bean on 4 quantitative characteristics of productivity: quantity of beans and seeds, yield of seeds and mass of 1000 seeds. In 2010 the hybrids of soya-beans of the first generation of the reciprocal crossing were subjects of investigation. In 2009 the direct and reverse artificial crossing was carried out with the participation of 9 pairs of early season and mid season groups with much higher productivity. F1 hybrids were sowed with parents.  The substantial difference on quantitative indexes in direct and reverse combinations was searched out which testified about differential influence of female and male parents on genotype of generation which is caused by participation in the process of genetically active cytoplasm. High indexes of true heterosis on the characteristic “mass of seeds from the plant” were received with the participation of Chera 1 with the samples Sito (114%), SibNIIK 315 (16%) and CH 36-74-1 (42%) in direct combination and with the samples Dina (123%), CH 36-74-1 (125%) and CH 1014-1 20 (114%) in reverse combination. On the characteristic “mass of 1000 seeds” hybrid plants were inferior to parent forms; probably they were more adapted to unfavorable conditions of the testing year (The year 2010 was characterized by air and ground drought). Reciprocal effect of “female parent” with 6 pairs on four characteristics was revealed in 20 cases, while “male parents”- in 16.

Keywords: soybean, reciprocal hybrids, heterosis, quantitative indexes, reciprocal effect


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