Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

Scientific journal
of the North-East Regional Agricultural Scientific Centre

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Influence of mineral fertilizers and lime on agrochemical parameters and phosphorus regimes of medium-loamy sod-podzolic soil

doi: 10.30766/2072-9081.2015.45.2.27-32.

Pages: 27-32.

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Lyskova I.V., PhD, head of laboratory,
Rylova O.N., assistant researcher,
Veselkova N.A., engineer-analitist,
Lyskova T.V., engineer-analitist

Falenki Breeding Station, v. Falenki, Kirov region, Russia


Sod-podzolic soil formed on top loams and clays are widespread in Kirov region and occupy the most extensive and high watershed areas (watersheds of the rivers Vyatka and Kama, Chepetsk-Kilmez'). The results of researches on study of efficiency of action of various dozes (50, 100, 150, 200 kg/hа) of phosphoric fertilizers on a background of nitric-potassium fertilizers (90 kg/hа each) under different degree of soil acidity in long stationary field experiment on agrochemical properties, and phosphorus regimes of medium-loamy sod-podzolic soil are presented. Reaction of soil solution became neutral (рН 6.01…6.23) at entering of lime equal to complete value of hydrolityc acidity in 2009. It is established that the annual entering of superphosphate in a doze of 50 kg/hа provides the contents of mobile phosphorus at the bottom optimum border (not less than 100 mg/kg). Superphosphate entering in doses 100, 150, and 200 kg/ha (annually) provided content of mobile phosphorus on liming background from 222 to 376 mg/kg; on non-limed background – from 191 to 285 mg/kg. Phosphate fund of investigated topsoil presents mainly with iron phosphates – 72%, highly basic phosphates of calcium – 11% and of aluminum – 10% which take 93% of sum of mineral phosphates. Contents of iron phosphates in soil grew on 11% and of alumo-phosphates on 50…63% with entering of superphosphate. Liming promoted some quantitative decrease in contents of alumo-phosphates from 197 till 163 mg/kg in comparison with non-limed background. The total sum of phosphates in sod-podzolic soil has increased by 6% due to application of fertilizers (non-limed background) whereas joint application of lime and phosphoric fertilizers has given an increase in 29 %. Significant correlations are revealed between soluble fractions of phosphates of calcium (Ca-P1, Ca-P2) with a dose of entering of phosphoric fertilizers (r = 0.76…0.84) which make the greatest impact on contents of mobile phosphorus (r = 0.88…0.97).

Keywords: sod-podzolic soil, doses of phosphoric fertilizers, liming, mobile phosphorus, phosphate regime of soil, fractional composition of phosphates


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