Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

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Studying of varieties of a sweet-berry honeysuckle bred in N.I. Vavilov Institute of Plant Industry under conditions of Kirov region

doi: 10.30766/2072-9081.2015.45.2.21-26.

Pages: 21-26.

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1,2Plenkina G.A., PhD, head of laboratory, scientific secretary of section of breeding, seed growing and biotechnology,
1Firsova S.V., PhD, senior researcher

1North-East Agricultural Research Institute, Kirov, Russia, 2North-East Regional Scientific Center, Kirov, Russia


Behavior of 21 varieties of a sweet-berry honeysuckle bred in N.I. Vavilov Institute of Plant Industry under conditions of Kirov region is studied during the period 2004-2013. It is revealed that winter hardiness of crop in the given conditions is influenced with numerous sharp differences of temperatures in December, January, and February from strong frosts, with fall of temperatures to -29…-31°С, and at snow surface  to -39…-41°С, to thaw with rise in temperature to +1…+2°С. In these years tightening up is marked not only for flower buds but for vegetative part of plants also. It is established that despite the winter damages all studied samples have high and good regenerative ability that testify high level of their adaptation to local conditions. Studying of precocity of honeysuckle has allowed to select a group of varieties with average term of beginning of fructification (at 5-6 year after planting) - Souvenir, Viola, Bogdana, Slavyanka, and №39. Studying of correlations between degree of tighten and productivity has revealed average negative relation between the given traits (r = -0.45). By results of the long-term data the group of highly productive and stably enough fructifying varieties is selected - Souvenir, Moraine, Amphora, and Viola. Varieties Souvenir and Moraine along with these traits have high potential productivity (5.9-6.8 kg/bush). Studying of influence of average mass of 1 berry on productivity of a honeysuckle has shown average positive relation between these traits (r = 0.51). Along with it medium-scale positive influence of amount of precipitation for first two decades of June (r = 0.70) and their quantities as the sum for the given period and May (r = 0.67) on large-fruitiness of crop is noted. The group of large-fruit varieties (average mass of 1 berry – 1.0…1.2 g) is selected - Moraine, Sodruzhestvo, Souvenir, Amphora, Izbrannitsa, and 988-11. Varieties Amphora, Viola, Moraine, Souvenir, Slavyanka, and №39 are selected for conditions of Kirov region by a complex of economic valuable traits.

Keywords: sweet-berry honeysuckle, variety, form, winter hardiness, precocity, productivity, large-fruitiness, degree of shedding of berries


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