Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

Scientific journal
of the North-East Regional Agricultural Scientific Centre

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Agroecological regionalizing of an agricultural territories at microlevel

Pages: 20-27.

Mukhamadjarov F.F.1, DSc in technical sciences, professor,
Korobitsyn S.L.1, PhD in agriculture, assistant professor,
Rubtsova N.E.2, PhD in agriculture, senior researcher

1Vyatka State Agrarian Academy, Kirov, Russia, 2 North-East Agricultural Research Institute, Kirov, Russia


Distribution of abiotic and biotic factors of an environment within agroecosystems of even small territory is carried out rather non-uniformly. Therefore transition to adaptive land management, i.e. differentiated (high-precision) use of features of a soil cover and a hydrothermal mode of each field of a crop rotation allocated in limits of agro-ecologically similar territories (AST) is necessary. Simultaneously it is necessary to know features of adaptive potential of cultivated species and varieties of plants. Basic principles of regionalizing of agricultural territories at microlevel are connected very closely with principles of designing of adaptive agroecosystems. Researches on allocation of АSТ at microlevel were spent on an experiment field of Falenky breeding station by a bioindicies-differentiated method. The analysis of agrolandscape features and soil inspections of a field has allowed to prove distribution on it of reper plots characterised by a set of signs peculiar to them which directly or indirectly influenced on yield of agricultural crops. Indices of yield of a clover Dymkovsky, oats Argamak, barley Novichok, annual grasses, green manure crops, winter rye Falenskaya 4, and spring wheat Priokskaya have confirmed contrast of conditions of chosen reper plots. For selection of АSТ within experiment field for everyone reper plot it had been calculated values of an index of yield and an index of percentage of protein in yield. This approach gives the chance to differentiate territory in space for various species of agricultural crops as relative volumes of yield are used instead of its absolute values. A territory for favorable placing of the majority of agricultural crops was characterised by average value of an index of yield ≥1 (V≥16%), with adverse - <1 (V <16 %). Reliability of borders of АSТ was checked with a method of comparison of dispersions. Selected АSТ will allow to carry out adaptive placing of agricultural crops within experiment field taking into account crop of quality indices of yield, to develop recommendations on use of lands with inefficient placing of field cultures in a crop rotation, to improve intraeconomic land management, and to realise effectively a differential land rent I and II.

Keywords: variety, agricultural crop, productivity, yield index, environmental factors, temperature, air, soil, sum of precipitations, hydrothermal factor, agroecological regionalizing


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7. Mukhamad'yarov F.F., Golovko T.K., Tabalenkova G.N., Korobitsyn S.L., Rubtsova N.E., Ashikhmin V.P., Savel'ev Yu.P., Kaysin D.V. Vliyanie meteorologicheskikh faktorov na formirovanie urozhaya yarovogo yachmenya v usloviyakh agrolandshafta [Influence of meteorological factors on forming of spring barley yield in conditions of agrolandscape]. Agrarnaya nauka Evro-Severo-Vostoka, 2013. nо. 5(36). рp. 4-10.
8. Mukhamad'yarov F.F., Korobitsyn S.L., Rubtsova N.E., Ashikhmin V.P., Savel'ev Yu.P., Vologzhanin V.N., Kaysin D.V. Osobennosti vliyaniya pochvennykh uslovij v predelakh agromikrolandshaftov na formirovanie urozhaynosti sel'skokhozyaystvennykh kul'tur [Pecularities of influence of soil conditions within agro-microlandscape on forming of yield of agricultural crops]. Agrarnaya nauka Evro-Severo-Vostoka, 2013. nо. 6(37). рp. 4-8.
9. Mukhamad'yarov F.F., Korobitsyn S.L., Rubtsova N.E., Vologzhanin V.N., Soboleva N.N. Metodicheskie aspekty vyyavleniya faktorov sredy, limitiruyushchikh pokazateli urozhaya sel'skokhozyaystvennykh kul'tur, i vysokoadresnoj ikh optimizatsii primeneniem tekhnogennykh sredstv [Methodical aspects of study of environmental factors limiting indexes of yield of agricultural crops, and its high-address optimization by use of technogenic tools]. Agrarnaya nauka Evro-Severo-Vostoka. 2014. nо. 1(38). рp. 4-7.