Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

Scientific journal
of the North-East Regional Agricultural Scientific Centre

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Nutritional value and productivity of early varieties of a meadow clover at different regimes of use

Pages: 38-42.

Figurin V.A., DSc in agriculture, head of department,
Suntsova N.P., researcher,
Cheglakova O.A., assistant researcher

North-East Agricultural Research Institute, Kirov, Russia


Results of researches on influence of regimes of use of two meadow clover varieties (tetraploid early variety Kudesnik and diploid middle-early two-mowing variety Martum) on their productivity and nutritional value are stated in article. Study is spent in three replications of experiment on clover herbages of first and second years of use. It is established that both varieties of clover are highly productive. Dry matter yield of a meadow clover Kudesnik in favorable years reached values of 9.52 t/ha, of variety Martum – 8.37 t/ha; in adverse years did not exceed 4 t/ha in both varieties. On the average by experiment the highest yield of dry matter of meadow clover Kudesnik is received at mowing of the first and second hay crops in a phase of full flowering – 7.37 t/ha; the least - at most early mowing terms: the first - in a beginning of budding phase, the second - in a phase of beginning of flowering – 5.78 t/ha. The most nutritious fodder mass of a meadow clover in the first hay crop (by content of crude protein, crude fat and exchange energy in 1 kg of a dry matter) can be received at it mowing in a beginning of budding phase. Concentration of a crude protein and exchange energy increased and cellulose content decreased in a green mass of second hay crops. The variety Kudesnik provided the greatest yield of exchange energy in the first year of use at mowing of the first and second hay crops in a phase of full flowering – 86.3 GJ/ha; of a protein - at all regimes of use - more than 1000 kg/hectares. The variety Martum was conceded to a variety Kudesnik on productivity at all regimes of use.

Keywords: meadow clover, regimes of use, dry matter, exchange energy, crude protein


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