Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

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The use of triticale grain for fattening of pigs

doi: 10.30766/2072-9081.2015.46.3.55-59.

Pages: 55-59.

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Izmestyev V.M., PhD in agriculte, head of department,
Maksimova R.B., senior researcher

Mari Agricultural Research Institute, s. Ruem, Russia, Republic Mari El


Triticale is a grain culture with high potential grain productivity and protein content in grain that exceed other cereal crops on amount of limiting amino acids and with low content of cellulose. In studies which are carried out in 2006…2011 in industrial conditions of a pig farm of JSC "Teplichnoye" of the Republic Mary Al opportunity and efficiency of using of grain triticale are proved as a part of compound feed in diets of pigs of the different gender and age groups of animals (suckling-pigs, fattening young pigs) by changeover of traditional compound of fodder mix - barley grain. Researches were not marked significant distinctions on a feeding of fodder mix with different saturation with triticale grain between test groups of animals in relation to animals receiving forage without triticale grain. It is established that introduction in fodder mix for pigs of triticale grain instead of barley grain in 20…30% on mass depending on age promotes increasing of growth of animals, lowering of expenses of forage per unit of a gain of live mass, and doesn't render the negative influence on meat qualities of fattened pigs. Feeding with experimental fodder mix raises an average daily gain of pigs on 11% and fattening young pigs on 26%. Changeover of barley in composition of fodder mix with triticale grain promoted lowering of expenses of forage per 1кg of gain of live mass during a detachable period from 3.35 fodder units till 3.01 fodder units, and during fattening period from 6.59 till 5.21 fodder units. Lowering of expenses of forage promoted lowering of prime cost of 1 kg of a gain of live mass of pigs for 5.6%, fattened young growth for 5.4%. At the end of experiment pigs of test group of fattened young pigs differed with higher mass and output. By these indexes they exceeded animals of a check group on 11.48 kg and 3.22%. Carcasses of the animals receiving fodder mix with 30% of triticale grain exceeded control pigs on half-carcass and area of "the muscular peephole" on 6.1 cm and 3.55сm2 or for 5.4%. Using of the experimental fodder mix with input of triticale grain instead of barley provided in working conditions receiving of 520 rubles of additional revenue per one head of the fattened young pig.

Keywords: fodder mix, triticale, productivity, piglets-suckling, fattening pigs


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