Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

Scientific journal
of the North-East Regional Agricultural Scientific Centre

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Effectiveness of genetic labelling at selection of Kostroma breed cattle

Pages: 70-75.

Baranov A.V., DSc in biology, director,
Baranova N.S., DSc in agriculture, head of the cathedra*,
Egorov O. S., researcher**,
Podrechneva I. Yu., post-graduate*

Kostroma Agricultural Research Institute, Kostroma, Russia, * Kostroma State Agricultural Academy, Kostroma, Russia, ** Regional information and selection centre of Kostroma State Agricultural Academy, Kostroma, Russia


The article adduces the results of longstanding investigations on blood groups in Kostroma cattle breed and using of this knowledge as genetic markers in breeding. The held investigations have allowed revealing genetic peculiarities of leading stud stocks and kindred groups by specificity and frequency of occurrence of certain alleles of EAB locus referring to blood groups; it was conducted their labeling. At breeding of a new stud dairy cattle type “Karavayevo КК-1” genetic markers were used widely which had confirmed its peculiarities. Data have been obtained, which confirm higher pedigree value of bull breeders homozygous in EAB locus blood than of heterozygous ones (+495 kg milk yield and +0.12% of fat content). Preservation of desirable marker alleles of parent bulls or modifier bulls on milk productivity gives rise to using genetic markers while selecting. Using of genetic markers at analyzing of results of selection and its planning allows revealing the most sufficient variants which provide maintenance of breed genetic peculiarities, gene pool preservation and enhancing of milk productivity. Genetic markers can be used at assessing and selecting of cows which are resistant against many types of diseases. Cows with genotype V/V of ЕАВ blood group locus were more (by 2.4 times) garget-resistant. It has been revealed that heterogeneous selection with taking markers into account provides breeding efficiency in dam population to be 50.2%, compared to 28.5% for the homogeneous one, and multiple fetation freshening percent to be 18.5%, compared to 9.2%.

Keywords: blood groups, genetic labelling, breeding, Kostroma cattle breed, stud stocks, families, selection, matching, parent bulls, copiousness, reproduction


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