Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

Scientific journal
of the North-East Regional Agricultural Scientific Centre

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Effectiveness of regulation of water regime of depleted peatlands by lockingof channels

Pages: 56-61.

Ulanov N.A., post-graduate

Vyatka State Agricultural Academy, Kirov, Russia


There are several different forms of water regulation in agro-ecosystems. Among them is irrigation, i.e. supply of water from the top or the rise of groundwater from below into the zone of a root system. Advantage of hydromorphic soils, including peatlands, is in close proximity of the weak mineralized water-bearing horizon to the upper part of the profile. This fact greatly simplifies the optimization problem of water supply of peatlands under the second scenario. The aim of this research is to study the technical ability to manage the water regime of peatlands through floodgates regulators.  As a mechanism that overrides the surface wastes and ground waters steel semi-floodgate as a curtain-box with lifting screw rod constructed by "KirovWaterProject" was used. The floodgate is built in concrete frame which adjacent to the reinforced concrete pipeline. As a result the floodgate's coefficient of efficiency was defined i.e the actual production area of spreading of beneficial effect of the lock channel which differs from designed was determined. It consist 50…60% of the total area. Time period of establishing of full hydrostatic stability of the water regime was defined as a result of manipulation by the floodgate at different periods of the year. After the closure of the floodgate in the summer it is treads for 9…10th day, in autumn – for 4…6th day. A causal relationship of precipitation and groundwater dynamics depending on the depth of their bedding was detected. Degree of influence of groundwater level on a value of yield of annual and perennial forage crops was defined. Materials of research can be used in the calculation and preparation of construction documents of bilateral regulation of the water regime of peatlands and depleted peatlands of the southern taiga subzone of the North-East of European Russia.

Keywords: depleted peatlands, water regime, floodgate, ground water level, precipitation, surface topography


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