Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

Scientific journal
of the North-East Regional Agricultural Scientific Centre

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Labelling of Ppd and Vrn genes in barley by means of PCR-analysis

Pages: 4-9.

Alabushev A.V., correspondent member of RAS,
Dontsova A.A., PhD in agriculture,
Potokina E.K.,* DSc in biology


All-Russian Scientific-research institute of Grain Crops after I.G. Kalinenko, Zernograd, Rostov region, Russia. *All-Russian N.I. Vavilov Institute of Plant Industry, St. Petersburg, Russia

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During the last 15 years in Russia is observed the tendency of an increase in the average-daily temperature (+ 1-2°С) toward the average perennial value of index, increase in the arid days and decrease of atmospheric precipitations in the spring-summer period. One of the methods of increasing the yield of the crop of barley is the creation of precocious varieties whose pouring in of grain passes to more comfortable conditions in comparison with middle- and the late-maturing varieties. The involvement in the crossings of the donors of early maturity will make it possible to conduct breeding in this direction more goal-directed. For a barley molecular markers are worked out allowing to identify alleles of genes of photoperiodic reaction Ppd (photoperiod response) and reactions on the vernalization Vrn (vernalization response). The genes Ppd determine the reaction of plants of barley on length of day and, as a result, terms of efflorescing and beginning of earing of plants in the different growth conditions. The genes Vrn determine requirement of plants in a vernalization for passing to earing; thus participated in regulation of speed of development and expressed of yield structure in barley. In this study with help of an allele-specific molecular markers it is reveal that an early flowering barley variety Master bred in All-Russian Research Institute of Grain Crops carries the dominant Ppd-H1 allele that might explain its fast heading on the long photoperiod. It is recommended to use the Master variety as a donor of early maturing in breeding programs. Besides barley variety Master has winter-and-spring character which is testified by detection of recessive allele of vrn-H2 gene.

Keywords: winter-and-spring barley, drought, precocity, PСR analysis, Ppd-H1, Vrn-H2, molecular markers, donor


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