Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

Scientific journal
of the North-East Regional Agricultural Scientific Centre

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Potato productivity and balance of nutrients at fertilizing and irrigation of drained sod-podzolic soil

Pages: 47-50.

Zinkovskaya T.С., PhD in agriculture,
Kovalev N.G., Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, DSc in technics, director

All-Russian Research Institute of Reclaimed Lands, Tver, Russia


The advisability of bilateral regulation of the water regime in the humide zone of Russia confirmed the three-year data, obtained in the micro field experiment on sod-podzolic soil under potato cultivation in years different on humidification level. The experiment revealed that the regulation of water-air regime with the use of irrigation can increase action of biopotential of multi-purpose compost (KMN). Adding of mineral fertilizers on variants with the compost on this background creates the conditions for a significant increase in potatoes productivity. Multi-purpose compost promotes mobilization of nutrients from soil reserves. Organic fertilizer (multi-purpose compost - KMN) obtained in the institute by aerobic solid-phase biofermentation method is applied at doze 15 t/ha at first year of research for study its long-term use. Mineral fertilizers were applied annually. Dozes of NPK were calculated according to element's removal with planed potato yield. Optimum humidity on irrigated variants accounted for 75% of maximum field water capacity. Economic calculations showed that gain profit from the potato crop under irrigation using organic fertilizers exceeds the cost of irrigation. Payback on a variant with KMN + irrigation was 3.13 rubles. Payback in the combined use of fertilizers – 3.72 rubles per ruble costs. Nitrogen balance in variants with KMN under irrigation with the use of organic and mineral fertilizers was deficit-free. In organo-mineral variant its reduction by 38.2 kg/ha was noted. On average for three years phosphorus content left on the original high level; exept of the control variants phosphorus balance was positive. On irrigated organo-mineral background the content of potassium was practically non-deficit; but in aftereffect of KMN use - negative.

Keywords: potato, bilateral regulation, multi-purpose compost, balance, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium


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