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Results of testing of promising varieties of potato under conditions of Komi Republic

doi: 10.30766/2072-9081.2015.47.4.21-28.

Pages: 21-28.

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Tulinov A.G., PhD in agriculture, head of laboratory

Agricultural Research Institute of Republic of Komi. Syktyvkar, Republic of Komi, Russia


The article presents main results of evaluation of promising potato varieties under conditions of Republic of Komi. The aim was to study the potato varieties that combine high yields with resistance to diseases. Seedlings (one-tubers) were obtained from All-Russian Research Institute of Potato Farming by A.G. Lorh: 1616 [Krepysh х 1275-5 (interspecific hybrid - Solanum vernei, S. chacoense, S. demissum)], 1623 [Vasilek х 1275-5], 1625 [Nevsky х 1275-5], 1648 [Ausoniya х Baraka]. Variety Nevsky (mid-early) zoned in the republic and recommended variety Udacha (early-ripe) were used as standards. In nurseries of basic (2012) and I competitive (2013) tests 8 varieties were studied. Three of them are identified as promising for creation of potato varieties suitable for cultivation in soil and climatic conditions of the Republic of Komi: 1648-14, 1625-3, and 1623-8. These promising varieties combine high yield (30.4, 30.9 and 32.1 t/ha), the dry matter content (20.3%, 21.4% and 23.4%), starch content (15.3% 15.1% and 17.0%); they exceeded the standard Nevsky on content of vitamin C in tubers by 20.2…43.0%. Varieties 1648-14 and 1623-8 showed resistance to defeat by late blight and alternaria.

Keywords: potato, breeding, variety, nursery, yield, quality


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