Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

Scientific journal
of the North-East Regional Agricultural Scientific Centre

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Some results and methodical aspects of oats breeding for resistance against edaphic stress

doi: 10.30766/2072-9081.2015.44.4.09-15.

Pages: 9-15.

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Batalova G.A., corresponding member of RAS, deputy director,
Shirokikh I.G., DSc in biology, head of laboratory,
Tulyakova M.V.,* head of laboratory,
Shevchenko S.N.,** DSc in agriculture, director, head of laboratory,
Rusakova I.I., PhD in agriculture, Head of laboratory,
Abubakirova R.I., associate researcher,
Zhuikova O.A., associate researcher

North-East Agricultural Research Institute, Kirov, Kirov region, *Falenki breeding station, Falenki, Kirov region, **Samara Agricultural Research Institute, Bezenchuk, Samara region


Edaphic stress stipulated with ionic toxicity of hydrogen and aluminum of sod-podzolic soils is the most important economic and ecological stress in Volga-Vyatka region. Combination of methods of classical breeding (crossing and screening) with cell selection in vitro and using of favorable and natural acid (provocative) soil backgrounds  as well as cabinets of artificial climate is very effective in breeding of covered oats resistant and tolerant to soil acidity. Researches were conducted in Kirov and Samara regions. Acid-soil tolerant covered oats varieties 397h07 and 418h07 are created having productivity 4.7-7.1 t/ha on neutral soils and 2.7 t/ha (0.4 t/ha higher than standard) under conditions of soil stress. Breeding lines obtained with methods of hybridization, selection, and following cell selection on acid- and drought selective medium were used as initial material. Lowering of productivity under conditions of high soil acidity is linked with depression of elements of yield structure (number of spikelets and grain in panicle; mass of grain per panicle and plant), plant height, length of panicle, and leaf area. After obtaining of seed progeny of regenerant plants in 2005 studies of genotypes having high enough productivity stable in varying climatic conditions researches were conducted in 2006-2011 at cultivated neutral soils. Further investigation of perspective varieties was conducted simultaneously on cultivated neutral and naturally acid soils with Al content 12.60-13.48 mg per 100 g of soil. Plants passing through selective systems in vitro with aluminum and on cultivated soil background in vivo (field) had advantages over initial genotypes and standard varieties on productivity especially under provocative conditions of acid soils and lack of moisture. They provide high productivity in drought conditions as well as under conditions favorable for grain yield formation.

Keywords: covered oats, soil acidity, callus tissue, selective media, cell selection, productivity, resistance, variety


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