Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

Scientific journal
of the North-East Regional Agricultural Scientific Centre

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Changes of agrophysical parameters of agrarian sod-podzolic soils on the transit direction of the fallow lands at different terms of its overgrowing

Pages: 57-62.

Lednev A.V., DSc in agriculture,
Dmitriev A.V., PhD in agriculture

The Udmurt State Agricultural Research Institute


Key areas in which observations were made in the link: arable land, fallow land, forest have been identified according to the materials of the expeditionary soil survey in 2013-2014. It is shown that the overgrowing of agro-sod-podzolic soils in the taiga forest zone will inevitably lead to the differentiation of the arable layer into two sub-layers. Sod process of soil formation is applied to the upper part which leads to reduction in the density of the soil with an average of 1.23 to 0.98 g/cm3, increases the amount of productive moisture and significantly improves the structural state of the sub-layer by reducing cloddy fraction and increasing the number of agronomical valuable aggregates. Zonal podzolic process begins to superimposed on lower part of the arable layer, which leads to a gradual deterioration of the structural state of the underlayer due to the increase of the silt fraction in it. The parameters of change of the agrophysical properties of topsoil depending on the term of overgrowth are revealed. Changing of these parameters confirmed the possibility of time-sharing overgrowing of arable land into three periods: the first period - up to 10 years; second – 10…20 years; the third - more than 20 years.

Keywords: fallow land, density, productive moisture, structure


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