Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

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Estimation of elite forms of garden strawberry under conditions of Kirov region

doi: 10.30766/2072-9081.2015.48.5.23-28.

Pages: 23-28.

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Vakhrusheva N.S., researcher

North-East Agricultural Research Institute, Kirov, Russia


Researches were spent in 2011…2013 in North-East Agricultural Research Institute, Kirov. The purpose of researches consisted in revealing of winter-hardy, productive, large-fruit elite forms of garden strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.). Thirteen elite forms of garden strawberry received in North-East Agricultural Research Institute by a method of intraspecific hybridization were used as objects of studying. Zoned varieties Zarja, Festivalnaya, and Borovitskaya are used as control. In work the Origin of studied samples is presented; meteorological conditions of the winter and growth periods, their influence on productivity and large-fruitiness are analyzed. Studying of 13 elite forms on winter hardiness has allowed to allocate 3 groups by the given trait. There are not revealed highly winter-hardiness forms (degree of freezing = 0 points). 1 elite form (7.7 % of studied) have included in group of winter-hardy (the maximum degree of freezing = 0.5-1.0 points; at level of a control variety Festivalnaya) ­ 3-45. Stable productivity on years - an adaptability indicator - is noted at elite forms of early term of maturing - 3-61 and at elite forms of average term of maturing - 3-60. Adaptive elite forms are revealed: 3-61, 3-60, 3-99 (Ruslan х Rubinovy kulon). The given combination of crossings is perspective for selection on winter hardiness under conditions of Kirov region. Strong and average negative influence of freezing degree on productivity (r = -0.63 in 2011, r = -0.79 in 2012, and r = -0.68 in 2013) is revealed. Elite form 3-61 is selected by a complex of economic valuable traits combining good level of productivity (2.7 t/ha) and its stability on years, the average size of berries (6.2 g) with winter hardiness and high regenerative ability.

Keywords: garden strawberry, elite form, winter hardiness, productivity, large-fruitiness, adaptability


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