Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

Scientific journal
of the North-East Regional Agricultural Scientific Centre

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New technologies of post-harvest processing of grain and obtaining of high-quality fodders for animal husbandry

Pages: 73-79.

Sysuev V.A.1,2, academician of RAS, chairman of presidium of NERASC, director,
Kazakov V.A.2, PhD in technical sciences, senior researcher,

1North-East Regional Agrarian Scientific Center, Kirov, Russia, 2North-East Agricultural Research Institute, Kirov, Russia


Developed technologies of fodder production for animal husbandry according to grain maturity stages allow to obtain maximal number of grain fodders for animals with maximum nutrition matters from the same crop; to minimize grain losses at crushing of cereals; to reduce energy costs per unit of fodder as a result of amount of drying grain. Fractional technology of flattening of wet forage grain which novelity is protected by patent RU № 2371262 at processing of wet grain mass allows to preserv its most valuable part (seeds) for further reproducing; to clean farage grain from impurities; and to obtain high-quality fodder including grain obtained by two-step flattening with simultaneous conservation. Using of the technology allows to reduce cost of flattered grain by 15…20%. Constructive-technological schemes of machines were designed protected with patents RU № 2399420 and RU № 2511308 allow to make technological operations of flattening of wet farage grain by the one machine both at stationary site of post-harvesting grain processing and in the field; universal flatters by patent RU № 2371063 makes grain flattening with one or two-step technology with its further conservation according to water content of grain. Conducted researches on new technologies and machines may be used at fodder production for different groups of animils in agricultural economies of all nature-climatic zones of Russia.

Keywords: technology, grain, grain fodder, fractioning, two-step flattening, conservation


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