Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

Scientific journal
of the North-East Regional Agricultural Scientific Centre

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Study of grain quality of lines and varieties of durum wheat with different levels of SDS-sedimentation

Pages: 52-56.

Leshchenko М.А., researcher,
Samofalov А.Р., Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, leading researcher,
Samofalova Н.Е., Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, head of the laboratory

FSBRI ARRIGC after I.G. Kalinenko, Rostov region, Zernograd, Russia


The results of the grain quality analysis of the cultivars and lines of durum winter wheat with various criteria of SDS-sedimentation, and its correlation with physical and chemical, rheological and pasta properties of durum winter wheat have been considered in the paper. During the study we found out that the decrease of SDS-sedimentation resulted in a natural decrease of physical and chemical properties of grain and changed rheological properties of dough. When the criteria of SDS-sedimentation decreased from 41 to 28 ml, the quantity of gluten changed from 27,4 to 26,0%; gluten quality worsened with gluten deformation index (IDK) increase from 85 to 108; grain test weight (nature) reduced from 803 to 775 g/l; grain vitreousness changed from 96% to 79%. The criteria of rheological properties of dough changed as follows: time of dough reduced from 2,9 to 2,1 minutes; stability of dough reduced from 1,7 to 0,6 minutes;  resistance of dough to extension changed from 4,6 to 2,6 minutes; elasticity of dough changed from 20 to 15 mm;  dilute of dough changed from 52 to 105 u.f.; valorigraghic assessment reduced from 57 to 41 u.v.; total farinographic assessment changed from 8 to 3 points. At the same time no correlation has been found between the value of SDS-sedimentation and protein content in grain, and weight of 1000 seeds and pasta properties of durum winter wheat, excepting average positive correlation with weight coefficient of cooking properties (r=0,49); average negative correlation with general assessment of pasta (r= -0,64), stability (r= -0,44) and colour of pasta (r= -0,39).

Keywords: durum winter wheat, SDS-sedimentation, criteria, variety, line, quality, pasta properties


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