Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

Scientific journal
of the North-East Regional Agricultural Scientific Centre

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Technological features of cultivation of winter rye Falenskaya 4 under conditions of changing climate

Pages: 34-38.

Utkina E.I., PhD in biology, head of laboratory,
Kedrova L.I., DSc in agriculture, head of department
Shlyakhtina E.A.*, head of laboratory,
Shamova M.G., researcher,
Parfyonova E.S., PhD in agriculture,researcher

North-East Agricultural Research Institute, Kirov, Russia, *Falenki breeding station, Falenki, Russia


Winter hardiness is a major factor limiting winter rye productivity in the north-east of the European part of Russia. The problem of a rye's winter hardiness under conditions of climate change is solved by breeding in parallel with creation of resistant agro-phytocenoses. Terms of the termination of autumn vegetation have changed in connection with warming; the period of development of plants before leaving at winter has increased. It leads to over-growing of plants, its damage by wreckers and the strengthened of defeat by snow mould. The article presents results of researches on studying of sowing data and seeding rates of a winter rye variety Falenskaya 4 for obtaining of stably high grain productivity under conditions of the Kirov region. Experiences are spent in the North-East Agricultural Research Institute (the central part of the Kirov region) in 2008-2010 and at Falenki breeding station (east agro-climatic area of the central zone of the Kirov region, 2011-2013). Results of studying have shown that in uncontrollable conditions of a changing climate it is recommended to displace sowing data of a winter rye variety Falenskaya 4 for 5-10 days from earlier established calendar term. In the central part of the Kirov region optimum sowing data is the period from August, 25 till August, 30th, in east agro-climatic area of the central zone of area - on August, 20-25th. For creation of optimum density of agro-phytocenosis the seeding rate of 6 million germinated seeds per 1 hectare is recommended which has allowed to generate a maximal grain yield on the average for years of studying.

Keywords: winter rye, variety, sowing data, seeding rate, productivity, winter hardiness, productive plant stand


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