Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

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of the North-East Regional Agricultural Scientific Centre

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Use of genetic variability of forms of black currant in breeding on complex resistance to currant bud tick (Cecidophyоpsis ribis Westw.) and to American powdery mildew (Sphaerotheca mors uvae (Schw. Berk)) in Kirov region

doi: 10.30766/2072-9081.2015.48.5.39-45.

Pages: 39-45.

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Plenkina G.A., PhD in agriculture, head of laboratory,
Saltykova T.I., post-graduate student, associate researcher

North-East Agricultural Research Institute, Kirov, Russia


696 hybrid seedlings concerning by the genetic origin to 11 groups as well as 16 elite forms of black currant are studied during the period 2002 till 2009. Perspectivity of including of genetic variability of initial material of black currant into breeding on complex resistance to powdery mildew and to bud tick is established. A high exit of plants resistant against diseases and the pests (40.8-61.4 %) was provided with inclusion in crossings of derivatives of sticky currant (genes Sph3 and Ce) with the progeny of Scandinavian subspecies (from variety Sunderbyn 2) (gene R); of derivative of low-flowered currant with descendants of the Siberian subspecies (from variety Severjanka) that is at combination of various mechanisms of resistance. Effective combinations of crossings are revealed: 1295-18-10 х 1279-20-119, Graciya х 1284-22-147, 1295-16-82 х 1241-16-14, 1295-18-10 х 1435-29-77, Kipiana х 1241-16-14 in which the exit of seedlings with complex resistance has made 50 to 70 %. It is noticed that in breeding on combination of high level of productivity with resistance to powdery mildew and to bud tick inclusion in hybridization of derivatives of sticky currant - donors of disease resistance (gene Sph3) and to pests (gene Ce) and the descendant of variety Sunderbjun 2 - the donor of resistance to powdery mildew (gene R) – variety Slastena is perspective. It provided an exit of such seedlings at level of 18.2 to 39.8 %. By results of studying of 16 elite forms in a site of primary studying it is obtained 5 highly productive and fructifying stably enough samples with high potential productivity (14.7-17.0 t/ha). Four elite forms of various genetic origin: 1-10-96, 44-8-96, 17-10-96, and 56-8-96 are selected on complex of economic-valuable signs: productivity (more than 5.1 t/ha), large-fruitiness (average weight of a berry more than 1.2 g) and high degree of resistance to American powdery mildew (degree of defeat 0-1 point) and to bud tick (degree of defeat 1-2 points).

Keywords: black currant, hybrid seedlings, elite form, donor, resistance, American powdery mildew, current bud tick, productivity


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