Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

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of the North-East Regional Agricultural Scientific Centre

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Cluster as a control object and socio-economic systems

doi: 10.30766/2072-9081.2015.49.6.75-80.

Pages: 75-80.

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Kostenko O.V., PhD in economics, associate professor, vice-rector, head of cathedra

Vyatka State Agricultural Academy, Kirov, Russia, North-East Regional Agrarian Scientific Center, Kirov, Russia


Experience in the use of the cluster approach has shown the importance of the scientific substantiation of formation and realization of cluster policy. The purpose of the work is to formulate of ideas about the cluster as a socio-economic system (elements, communications, external environment and border). The basic characteristics of  cluster are the independence of its members, informal ties between them, territorial proximity, vertical and horizontal communication. The cluster is characterized by parameters depth and width. A typical composition of the cluster includes basic enterprises (including enterprises cluster core), research and educational institutions, and infrastructure of the cluster, the cluster manager, social and professional organizations (the role of communicators), authorities. "Critical Mass" (number of members) is required for cluster development. Basic communication and driving forces of the cluster is a competition (between the companies in the same level of the value chain), especially among producers of the final product of the cluster, and cooperation (between the companies related and overlapping links of the value chain). Сluster attracts buyers. It is developing inbound industry, reducing barriers to entry and exit in the industry cluster. It reduces the appearance of new companies. Companies in the cluster are stronger competitors outside the cluster. The boundaries of the cluster are mobile and blurred, agents are free to enter and exit from the cluster. The cluster exhibits the properties of innovation, exporting products outside the region and serves as a point of growth for the regional economy in the interaction with the environment.

Keywords: cluster, the cluster mechanism of competition and cooperation, the cluster boundary, cluster interaction with the environment


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