Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

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of the North-East Regional Agricultural Scientific Centre

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Influence of terms of propagation and varietal features on the rooting of green cuttings of plum

doi: 10.30766/2072-9081.2015.49.6.34-37.

Pages: 34-37.

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Plenkina G.A., PhD in agriculture, head of laboratory,
Rusinov A.A., researcher

North-East Agricultural Research Institute, Kirov, Kirov region


The possibility of propagation of green cuttings of plum varieties Yaichnaya sinyaya and Pamyat' Timiryazeva was studied under conditions of Kirov region; the estimation of influence of time of cutting on the yield of rooted plants was conducted. Researches were conducted in 2012…2014. As a result of the research it was shown that the reproduction of the studied varieties of plums by green cuttings and their subsequent rooting is a fairly effective method: in portable small plastic cover with manual watering it is possible to obtain up to 79…98 rooted cuttings per m2. There is no significant effect of time of cutting on the yield of rooted plants: on average over the study years at the period of intensive growth of shoots (first term of cutting) their output was 36.0%; the attenuation time of intense growth (second term) is 27.5%. However, the variety Yaichnaya sinyaya, characterized with a short period of intensive growth of shoots, it was observed an increasing of yield of rooted cuttings, cutting of which was realized in the first term, compared with that of the second term of propagation. There was a close negative relationship between the air temperature (day and night) during the first week after cutting and access of rooted plants: at the first term r = -0.94 and -0.97; the second term r = -0.95 and -0.71. Air temperature in the daytime within the range 16.5 to 24°C, night – 14…20°C is most optimal for the propagation of this culture.

Keywords: plum, cutting term, green cuttings, yield of implanted cuttings, variety


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