Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

Scientific journal
of the North-East Regional Agricultural Scientific Centre

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Perspective varieties of long-fibred flax bred in Falenki Plant-Breeding Station

Pages: 19-23.

Koshcheeva N.S., head of laboratory,
Gradoboeva T.P., PhD in biology, head of laboratory,
Lyskova I.V., PhD in agriculture, head of laboratory

Falenki Plant-Breeding Station, Falenki, Kirov region, Russia


Results of selection work on long-fibred flax at Falenki Plant-Breeding station during 2010 …2014 are presented in the article. The purpose of work is creation of varieties of the long-fibred flax on a complex of economic-valuable traits (productivity and quality of a flax fiber, resistance against lodging and fusarium withering) and selection of the most perspective varieties for conditions of the north-east of Non-Chernozem zone of Russia. In selection variety trial there were 18 varieties in comparison with standard variety Tvertsa and earlier created variety Sinel'. Within 18 studied varieties 9 exceeded standard variety on straw productivity; 12 - on seed productivity. Straw productivity of variety Ф-1962 has made 6.29 t/ha on the average for 5 years; an increase to the standard Tvertsa – 0.35 t/ha, to a variety Sinel' – 0.03 т/ha; maximum seed productivity has been received in 2014 – 1.80 t/ha. Variety Ф-2109 differs with stable productivity of straw and fibre (6.32 and 1.50 t/ha accordingly), has general height of plants 92 cm, technical length – 77 cm. Variety Ф-2102 combines high indicators on fibre productivity of a 1.60 t/ha with fibre content of 28.5 %. Durability of a fibre makes 19.8 kgs, flexibility – 37.4 mm. The growth period is equal to the standard (72 days). The variety is defeated by fusarium withering in less degree than standard varieties. According to the correlation analysis productivity of straw of long-fibred flax depends on length of plant stem (r = 0.47… 0.67). The fibre content is influenced negatively by lengthening of the growth period of plants (r = –0.09…–0.75); the higher the fibre content in a plant, the less its flexibility (r = –0.50…-0.66). Defeat of plants by fusarium withering reduces the fibre content (r = –0.06…–0.56).

Keywords: productivity, content of fiber, durability, flexibility, fusarium withering


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