Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

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of the North-East Regional Agricultural Scientific Centre

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Initial material of Sudan grass for solving of main breeding tasks

Pages: 14-20.

Ermolina G.M, PhD in agriculture, senior researcher,
Kovtunova N.A., PhD in agriculture, head of laboratory,
Shishova E.A., researcher,
Romanyukin А.Е., PhD in agriculture, senior researcher

All-Russian Research Institute of Grain Crops named after I.G. Kalinenko, Zernograd, Rostov region, Russia


The varieties of Sudan grass are able to form high productivity of green chop, but they do not fully meet the requirements of modern agriculture. It is necessary to develop early maturing varieties of Sudan grass, having good tillering, good foliage (35-40%) with a thin, succulent stem and good productivity of green chop. The purpose of the study is to develop the collection of Sudan grass with the main economic-valuable traits for accelerate the breeding process. Twenty-five samples have been obtained as the sources of early maturing. The samples ‘Mnogoukosnaya Rossiyanka’ and ‘Zheltozernaya 754’ are the most valuable ones among them, having the same productivity as the standard variety. Their use in the hybridization will allow obtaining more early maturing varieties that will give the opportunity to do three mowings of the green chop. According to the tillering 19 samples-sources with 5-9 stems per plant have been selected. The most valuable forage varieties with good foliage are ‘М/12’, ‘SudankaМ/2’,’М4/9’, ‘Topoleynaya 8’, ‘Korichnevoplenchataya’, ‘К- 347’and‘К-120’. The use of the sources of high tillering and foliage will allow developing the varieties with larger productivity of green chop. To grow the sorghum-Sudan hybrids with succulent stems we have selected the samples ‘КК-138’, ‘255’, ‘278’, ‘305’, ‘307’, ‘479’ and‘М-21’ as the sources of the trait. The samples ‘Chishminskaya rannyaya’ and ‘Priobskaya 97’ which combine early maturity, high tillering and stem thinness, are the most valuable ones for the breeding of Sudan grass for stem thinness. According to the productivity of green chop (48-56 t/ha) and absolutely dry matter (11.5-12.7 t/ha) we have selected 8 varieties of Sudan grass (‘Topolina’, ‘Krasava’, ‘Arkadiya’, ‘Vesta’, ‘Chernoplenchataya 11’ and others). They are used in the hybridization with the sources of various economic-valuable traits.

Keywords: collection, sample, variety, Sudan grass, early maturity, tillering, thinness of a stem, succulence of a stem, productivity of green chop


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