Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

Scientific journal
of the North-East Regional Agricultural Scientific Centre

Phone (8332) 33-10-43
(8332) 33-07-21
Fax: (8332) 33-10-25
Address: Kirov, Lenin's street, 166-a

№ 2 (51) - 2016

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Plant Growing

Volkova L.V..
The study of spring wheat hybrids on yield and protein content (pp. 4-8)

Paschkova G.I., Kuz'minykh A.N..
The effect of the solutions of whey and growth stimulators on productivity and quality of spring wheat grain (pp. 9-14)

Nikul'chev К.А., Zakharova Е.B..
Economic evaluation of efficiency of herbicides application in the technology of corn cultiva-tion for grain (pp. 14-20)

Firsova T.I., Filenko G.A., Dontsova A.A..
Response of spring barley variety ‘Leon’ on the growth regulators used together with the seed disinfectants (pp. 20-23)

Petrov L.K., Selekhov V.V..
The results of studying of winter wheat cultivars under the conditions of the Nizhniy Novgorod region (pp. 24-28)

Dubinina O.A., Vozhzhova N.N..
The adaptive potential of hard winter wheat varieties (pp. 29-33)

Agriculture, Agrochemistry, Amelioration

Vladykina N.I..
Small and combined tillage in crop rotation with different types of fallow (pp. 34-40)

Shikhova L.N., Gonina E.S., Ulanov A.N..
Content of biogenic elements (zinc and copper) in soil component of bo biogeocenoses (on example of peatbog Zenginsky in Kirov region) (pp. 41-47)

Veterinary Medicine

Isaev V.V., Burova O.A., Blokhin A.A..
Study of the effectiveness of a new humic preparation “Furor” at correction of immuno-deficiencies in newborn calves (pp. 48-53)

Smirnov Y.P., Suvorova I.L..
Estimating the degree of body immunodepression in leukosis-infected cattle (pp. 53-57)

Hunting Study

Ovechkina N.N., Kozlov V.M..
Аbout population density of ungulates in open-air cages (pp. 58-62)


Syumak A.V..
Energy-saving technologies and means of mechanization of a new generation for cultivation of soybean and cereals in the system of biological farming (pp. 63-68)

Mukhamad'yarov F.F., Korobitsyn S.L., Soboleva N.N..
Technical-and-economical justification of the optimal composition of means of mechanization considering agroecological regionalizing of an agricultural territories at microlevel (pp. 68-73)


Kostenko O.V..
The stages of the life cycle of economic clusters: state, driving forces and processes (pp. 74-79)
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