Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

Scientific journal
of the North-East Regional Agricultural Scientific Centre

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Economic evaluation of efficiency of herbicides application in the technology of corn cultiva-tion for grain

Pages: 14-20.

Nikulchev К.А., PhD in Agriculture, Leading Researcher,
Zakharova Е.B., PhD in Agriculture, Associate professor,

All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Soybean, Blagoveschensk, Far East State Agrarian University, Blagoveschensk


The aim of the work is to evaluate the efficiency of application of plant protection chemicals as one of the component of energy-saving technologies of corn cultivation for grain. The evaluation of the efficiency of the use of leaf and soil herbicides as well as their combined effect on agrophytocenosis of corn for grain is given in the article. The relevance of the researches is in the use of soil herbicides in its pure form in the system of chemical protection of corn plants which reduce the level of chemical load on crops and contribute to the formation of a high level of productivity. It is determined that the use of herbicides (Kraterr, Fronter Optima and Titus) in the technology of corn cultivation for grain is more effective in its pure form as well as economically reasonable and expediently. It is proved in practice that in order to increase the protective period of influence of the soil herbicides they could be applied at the early stages of weeds growth or immediately after germination of cultivated plants. As a result a decrease in total weed infestation of corn crops by 89.5% at application of Fronter Optima (1.3 l/ha) and by 94.5% - Kraterr (3.0 l/ha), compared to the control variant has been determined. Field horsetail (Equisetum arvense) is marked as a weak-susceptible to these soil herbicides. The application of soil herbicide Kraterr in a dose 3 l/ha in its pure form allow to reduce the cost price of growing of 1 ton of corn grain to 2.31 thousand rubles; achieve cost recovery at the level of 30 rubles per every additional expended ruble as well as improving the profitability of technology to 248% due to more effective chemical weeding and containment of growth processes of weed component and as a result to get high crop yields.

Keywords: corn, agrophytocenosis, economic efficiency, profitability of cultivation, herbicides


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