Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

Scientific journal
of the North-East Regional Agricultural Scientific Centre

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Study of the effectiveness of a new humic preparation “Furor” at correction of immuno-deficiencies in newborn calves

Pages: 48-53.

Isaev V.V., PhD. in biology, Leading Researcher,
Burova O.A., Researcher,
Blokhin A.A., PhD. in veterinary medicine, Senior Researcher

Veterinary Research Institute of Non-Chernozem Zone of Russian Federation, Nizhnij Novgorod


Humic preparations extracted from peat enhance resistance of living organisms against infections, stresses, cut rehabilitation period down, decrease risk for negative after-effects of vaccination. These preparations are not toxic, do not have cumulative, teratogenic, mutagenic, embryotoxic and carcinogenic properties. We tested the new drug “Furor” on trial group of calves. The calves received the preparation orally with colostrums in a dose of 0.3 and 0.4 ml per kg of body weight a day from day 3 of life for 10 days. Performed clinical and immunobiochemical studies proved the effectiveness of the immune response modifier “Furor” when used to enhance resistance of newborn calves against gastrointestinal diseases. The use of the preparation “Furor” provides for normalizing metabolic processes, improving immunological indices, increasing the prophylactic effectiveness at gastrointestinal diseases, and the safekeeping of calves up to 100%. Obtained data indicated a significant improvement of immunological and metabolic blood values in trial group of calves. The best results were obtained when using the preparation “Furor” in a dose of 0.3 ml per kg of body weight a day. Increase in lysozyme activity in calves of the first trial group was 127.8% by the end of experiment which is 10.8% higher the control. Bactericidal activity of blood serum in calves of the first group was 9.5% higher the control by the end of the experiment. Lymphocyte number in calves of the first trial group increased by 20.0% which is 12.9% higher the control. The number of T-lymphocytes increased by 53.7%. The number of B-lymphocytes in calves of the first experimental group increased by 264.3%. Based on these results the dose 0.3 ml per kg body weight should be considered as optimal.

Keywords: humic preparations, calves, immunodeficiencies, gastrointestinal diseases, prophylaxis


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