Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

Scientific journal
of the North-East Regional Agricultural Scientific Centre

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Technical-and-economical justification of the optimal composition of means of mechanization considering agroecological regionalizing of an agricultural territories at microlevel

Pages: 68-73.

Mukhamad'yarov F.F.1, DSc in engineering, professor,
Korobitsyn S.L.1, PhD in agriculture, assistant professor,
Soboleva N.N.1,2, researcher

1North-East Regional Agrarian Scientific Center, Kirov, Russia, 2North-East Agricultural Research Institute, Kirov, Russia


Agroecological regionalizing of an agricultural territories at microlevel allows to improve intra-economic land management and carry out the highly precision optimization of habitat for cultivated plants. The allocation or association of agro-ecologically similar territories (AST) is more difficult in a rugged relief and can lead to a reduction in the size of fields of crop rotations, decrease the efficiency of high-performance technics and certain restrictions in the use of high power technical means with wide-swath agricultural machines. Considering the high irregularity of distribution in time and space of environment factors becomes obvious that soil treatment requires differentiated approach and focuses on "regionalizing agricultural practices" because they "can be carried out diverse and at different times". For justification of the optimal composition of means of mechanization of cultivation of agricultural crops on example of the experimental field four arable units, four units with flat-cutting bodies and eight  units with disk working bodies, and three sowing units were selected. The main criterion for the evaluation of the optimal composition of means of mechanization was the total energy consumption for technological process. Evaluation of the energy efficiency of technological processes connected with processing of the soil indicates significant changes in the energy costs for the varying types of processing and technological parameters. According to variants of plowing saving of energy consumption can reach 30%, flat-cutting processing of the soil – 38%, disking of the soil is 20% and sowing – 14%. Saving of direct fuel consumption for the most energy-intensive operations can be up to 7 kg/ha.

Keywords: landscape features of the field, slope, means of mechanization, working bodies, optimization of composition, productivity, energy consumption, energy intensity, energy efficiency


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