Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

Scientific journal
of the North-East Regional Agricultural Scientific Centre

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The effect of the solutions of whey and growth stimulators on productivity and quality of spring wheat grain

Pages: 9-14.

Pashkova G.I., PhD in agriculture, associate professor,
Kuz'minykh A.N., PhD in agriculture, associate professor

Mari State University, Yoshkar-Ola, Republic of Mari-El, Russia


Increasing of productivity and grain quality of spring wheat under conditions of Republic of Mari El is one of the main tasks of agricultural science and practice. In decision of this task an important role belongs to growth regulators as they can stimulate growth and development of plants, increase resistance to stressful growing conditions being used in extremely low concentrations. The use of milk whey solution at different concentrations was studied experimentally in the Republic of Mari El for the first time. At the first stage of research the optimal concentration of milk whey solution positively influencing on grain yield of spring wheat was determined. The highest yield was in the variants with application of the solution in the ratio whey : water – 2:10 and 3:10. The increase to the control was significant – 0.38…0.39 t/ha. At the second stage it was studied the effect of milk whey solutions and growth stimulators Planriz and Zircon on the photosynthesis activity of crops, yield and grain quality of spring wheat. It was revealed that treatment of crops with whey solutions increases photosynthetic capacity and net photosynthetic productivity in the period of stem elongation – earing respectively on 131.0-138.8 thousand m2/ha × day and 2.0-2.4 g/m2 × day. Use of solutions of milk whey and growth regulators provides a significant increasing of grain yield. Thus use of milk whey solutions was more effective. The increase in yield was 0.33-0.35 t/ha. The use of whey solutions has greatly improved technological properties of grain: it increases the grain protein content by 1.6…1.8 %, of gluten – by 1.0-1.1% and hardness – by 5.0-7.2%.

Keywords: spring wheat, milk whey solution, growth regulators, Zircon, Planes, leaf area, net photosynthesis productivity, grain yield, grain quality


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