Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

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Evaluation of initial material of spire cane (Phalaroides arundinacea L.) in conditions of the Republic of Komi

doi: 10.30766/2072-9081.2016.50.1.16-18.

Pages: 16-18.

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Belyaeva R.A., PhD in agriculture, leading researcher,
Kosolapovа T.V., associate researcher

Agricultural Research Institute of the Republic of Komi, Syktyvkar, Russia


The article presents the results of the evaluation of the SN-37 initial material created on the basis of local wild populations at open pollination with geographically distant forms from the world collection of VIR, by repeatedly selecting. Variety Pervenets is used as a standard. Accumulation of dry matter and nutritive value were determined by the phases of development in the phase of stem elongation (June, 4-10), earing (June, 20-25), beginning of flowering (July, 3-5), the aftermath – after the mowing in the phase of stem elongation (Аugust, 1-2). In the first year of use (2013) due to weak development of plants explained by biological features, in the phase of the leaf tube formation the dry matter yield of SN-37 was 2.5 t/ha, of standard – 2.2 t/ha. During the period of earing the accumulation of dry mass has almost doubled and the yield of CH-37 was 5.2 t/ha (standard - 5.0 t/ha); at flowering stage respectively 6.7 and 6.3 t/ha; of aftermath - 4.4-4.7 t/ha. In the second year (2014) a significant increase in yield was marked. In the phase of leaf tube formatting variety SN-37 forms 4.7 t/ha of dry weight, the standard – 3.6 t/ha; while earing respectively 8,2 and 7.0 t/ha; at flowering phase - 9.9 and 8.2 t/ha; the aftermath (after cutting in the phase of stem elongation) - 4.3 and 3.4 t/ha. On average for two years yield of dry mass of SN-37 in all phases of development were significantly higher than standard; at two mowings - by 15.9%. Nutrient values of the varieties differed slightly, however, due to higher yields in SN-37 yield of crude protein per 1 ha at single mowing was 0.89 t/ha, while at two mowing – 1.23 t/ha, which is 3.5-15.9% more than standard.

Keywords: reed canary grass cane, dry mass, phase of development, nutritional value


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