Agricultural Science Euro-North-East

Scientific journal
of the North-East Regional Agricultural Scientific Centre

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Influence of “Immoveton-aero” on parameters of immunity of calves at the critical period of calf rearing

Pages: 47-50.

Sisyagin P.N., DSc in veterinary, corresponding member of the RAS, director,
Sisyagina E.P., DSc in veterinary, leading researcher,
Redzhepova G.R., PhD in veterinary, leading researcher,
Ubitina I.V., leading biochemist

Research Veterinary Institute of Non-Chernozem Zone of Russian Federation, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia


Mixed viral-bacterial respiratory infections in calves remain a most actual problem for the veterinary medicine. Conditions due to modern livestock management practices cause rise of morbidity for respiratory infections in calves to 90-100%. In 20-30- day old calves there is a critical period because of expenditure and destruction of natural colostral protective factors in the background of insufficiency of own immunogenesis. In this period the feeding changes and the calves are transferred from individual to group housing. All these changes cause stress. Respiratory infections occur and develop as mixed infections associated with different combinations of viruses complicated by bacterial agents. The effect of drug mixture“Immoveton-Aero” on immunological parameters in clinically healthy calves in the critical period of calf-rearing was evaluated. Use of this drug mixture in the form of an aerosol spray at the doses of 4,0 and 5,0 ml/m3  was found to optimize initially reduced immunological parameters in healthy calves characterized by increase of  relative number of T- and B-lymphocytes by 38,32% and 45,41% respectively, of absolute number of T- and B-lymphocytes by 47 and 50%, of functional activity of  blood neutrophils in spontaneous and  induced tests by 23, 21% and 38,18% respectively, of levels of IgG   by 30 and 27%, of IgM by 22 and 11% respectively, of lysozyme activity of blood serum  by 73 and 64% when compared with the background study. The stimulating influence of drug mixture in the form of an aerosol spray on immunological parameters in clinically healthy calves in the critic period of their rearing in farms with high prevalence of mixed respiratory infections was revealed and confirmed.


Keywords: calves, mixed viral-bacterial respiratory infections, immunodeficiency, “Immovetn-Aero”


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